Frequently Used Japanese Phrases at Currency Exchange Counters in Japanese Airports


    This article introduces commonly used Japanese phrases and situational expressions for interacting at currency exchange counters in Japanese airports.

    At Japanese airports, it is common to handle requests such as international money transfers or confirming the details of services in Japanese.

    To ensure smooth communication, feel free to make use of the following phrases.


    Common Japanese Words Used at Currency Exchange Counters in Japanese Airports

    Currency (The form of money used in a specific country or region)

    • Tsūka (通貨)

    Exchange Rate (The exchange rate when converting one currency to another)

    • Ryōgae rēto (両替レート)

    Foreign Currency (Currency used in countries or regions outside one’s own)

    • Gaika (外貨)

    Currency exchange (The act of exchanging one currency for another)

    • Ryōgae (両替)

    Commission (The fee charged for providing currency exchange services)

    • Tesūryō (手数料)

    Denomination (The value of a banknote or coin)

    • Gakumen (額面)

    Banknote / Bill (Paper currency with a specific value)

    • Shihei (紙幣)

    Coin (Metal currency with a specific value)

    • Kōka (硬貨)

    Receipt (A document provided as proof of purchase or transaction)

    • Ryōshūsho (領収書)

    Counter (A place that offers currency exchange services)

    • Kauntā (カウンター)

    Transaction (Economic activities such as the buying and selling of currency)

    • Torihiki (取引)

    Currency Exchange Provider (A place that provides currency exchange between different currencies)

    • Ryōgaejo (両替所)

    Situational Phrases Commonly Used at Currency Exchange Counters in Japanese Airports

    Situations to be introduced

    1. Asking for the location of a currency exchange counter
    2. Inquiring about the exchange rate
    3. Stating the currency for exchange
    4. Asking about exchange fees
    5. Requesting a recount of the exchanged amount
    6. Pointing out an error in the transaction
    7. Requesting the issuance of a receipt
    8. Inquiring about the smallest denomination of bills/coins available for exchange
    9. Requesting the exchange of specific banknotes
    10. Asking about services other than currency exchange
    11. Inquiring about the business hours

    1. Asking for the location of a currency exchange counter

    Excuse me, could you please tell me where the currency exchange counter is?

    • Sumimasen, tsūka ryōgaejo wa doko ni arimasu ka?

    2. Inquiring about the exchange rate

    Could you tell me the current exchange rate for USD to EUR?

    • Genjiten no beidoru kara yūro e no ryōgae rēto o oshiete itadakemasu ka?

    What’s the exchange rate for JPY to USD today?

    • Honjitsu no en kara beidoru e no ryōgae rēto o oshiete itadakemasu ka?

    3. Stating the currency for exchange

    I would like to exchange my dollars for yen.

    • Doru o en e ryōgae shitai desu.

    I have Euros that I’d like to exchange for British Pounds.

    • Yūro o eipondo e ryōgae shitai desu.

    4. Asking about exchange fees

    Is there a service fee for the currency exchange?

    • Ryōgae tesūryō wa hassei shimasu ka?

    How much is the commission for exchanging currencies?

    • Ryōgae tesūryō wa ikura desu ka?

    5. Requesting a recount of the exchanged amount

    Could you please count the money again?

    • Mōichido okane o kazoe te itadakemasu ka?

    6. Pointing out an error in the transaction

    I think there is a mistake. Could you check again, please?

    • Tetsuzuki ni machigai ga aru ka to omoimasu. Mōichido kakunin shite itadakemasu ka?

    7. Requesting the issuance of a receipt

    Could I have a receipt, please?

    • Ryōshūsho o itadakemasu ka?

    Please give me a receipt for this transaction.

    • Kono torihiki no ryōshūsho o kudasai.

    8. Inquiring about the smallest denomination of bills/coins available for exchange

    What’s the smallest denomination you have?

    • Saishō tan’i no shihei o oshiete itadakemasu ka?

    Can I get some small change as well?

    • Kōzen mo itadakemasu ka?

    9. Requesting the exchange of specific banknotes

    Could I get this in smaller bills, please?

    • Kore o chiisai gakumen no shihei to ryōgae dekimasu ka?

    Can I have this in notes of 20, please?

    • Kore o nijū no shihei to ryōgae dekimasu ka?

    10. Asking about services other than currency exchange

    Do you offer cash advance services for credit cards?

    • Kurejitto kādo no kyasshingu sābisu wa arimasu ka?

    Can I also buy a SIM card here?

    • SIM kādo mo koko de kōnyū dekimasu ka?

    11. Inquiring about the business hours

    What are your operating hours?

    • Eigyō jikan wa nanji kara nanji made desu ka?

    Are you open 24 hours?

    • Nijūyojikan eigyō shiteimasu ka?

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