Understanding and Searching Swift Codes: A Beginner’s Guide

What is SWIFT?
”SWIFT(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication SC)is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services。
The SWIFT code is an essential code required when transferring money to an overseas bank account.
Structure of SWIFT Code
SWIFT codes consist of either 8 or 11 characters. Let’s take a look at an example from Mitsubishi UFJ Bank:

- ①First 4 characters … Financial Institution Code
- ②5th and 6th characters … ISO Country Abbreviation
- ③7th and 8th characters …Location code
- ④Last 3 characters (for 11-digit codes)… Branch code
Refered to ginko.com
For an 8-digit SWIFT code, it often represents the head office (main branch). In the case of Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, BOTKJPJT (8 characters) is a common code for all domestic branches. When an 11-digit SWIFT code is needed, the last 3 characters are usually “XXX” or “HED” (meaning head office). For Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, an “X” is added to the last 3 characters. Note that the last 3 characters “XXX” do not represent the branch number (3 digits).
How to find a SWIFT Code
Google Search
To obtain the most accurate SWIFT information, search for “bank name SWIFT” on Google and verify the SWIFT code listed on the bank’s homepage.

Find SWIFT Code for Banks in Japan using ginocode
If you cannot find the SWIFT code on the bank’s homepage, we recommend visiting this site (https://gincode.com/wiki/swift) when searching for domestic bank SWIFT codes. The site lists 180 SWIFT codes of financial institutions at a glance.
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Find SWIFT Code for non-Japanese banks using SWIFT Codes.com
When searching for an international bank’s SWIFT code, we recommend using Wise’s “The SWIFT Codes.com” service. The site offers a convenient feature that allows you to identify the SWIFT code in three steps by specifying the “recipient country” and “recipient bank.”
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Step 1: Select a country from “Search for SWIFT codes by country”
First, choose the recipient country from the “Search for SWIFT codes by country” option displayed in the middle of the screen.

Step 2: Search for the relevant bank code from “Main US Bank SWIFT codes.”
If you find the “SWIFT Code of Major US Banks” displayed around the center of the screen, please click on it.

Step 3: Confirm SWIFT Code
When you click on the bank name, the bank information and SWIFT code will be displayed. If there are multiple search results, please check the branch name and address, and then confirm the corresponding SWIFT code.

(Bonus Edition) Search for the corresponding bank code from ‘Search All US SWIFT Codes’
Scroll down on the screen and you will find the option to “search for all SWIFT codes in the US”, so you can search directly from there. If the bank you are looking for is not in Step 2 “Major Banks…”, try searching directly.

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