What is a SWIFT Code? How to Search and Recommended Websites

- This article is for reference only as it is merely a translated version of the Japanese article below.
SWIFTコードとは?検索方法とおすすめサイト紹介 (Japanese version)
“SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication SC) is a network system that utilizes computers and communication lines to transmit messages related to international financial transactions between participating banks. It promotes the mechanization, streamlining, and automation of administrative processing in international financial transactions between banks.” (Source: Japanese Bankers Association)
A SWIFT code is a crucial code required when sending money to an overseas bank account.
Structure of SWIFT
A SWIFT code consists of 8 or 11 characters. Let’s take a look at the example of Mitsubishi UFJ Bank.

- 1. First 4 characters: Financial Institution Code
- 2. Next 2 characters: ISO Country Code
- 3. Next 2 characters: Location Code
- 4. Last 3 characters (in the case of 11 characters): Branch Code, etc.
This structure is created with reference to Gingcode.com.
For 8-character SWIFT codes, it often refers to the head office. In the case of Mitsubishi UFJ Bank mentioned above, BOTKJPJT (8 characters) is the common code used across all domestic branches.
If an 11-character SWIFT code is required, the last three characters usually append “XXX” or “HED” (indicating the headquarters). In the case of Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, “XXX” is added to the last three characters. It is important to note that the last three characters “XXX” do not represent the branch code of the account branch (3 digits).
How to Find a SWIFT Code
Google Search
For the most accurate SWIFT information, search for “Bank Name SWIFT” on Google and verify the SWIFT code on each bank’s official website.

Domestic Banks: Blogs and Services Compiled by Third Parties
If the SWIFT code is not easily found on the bank’s homepage, this site (https://gincode.com/wiki/swift) is recommended for searching SWIFT codes of domestic banks.
The website lists 180 banks in Japan that have SWIFT codes, allowing for quick identification of the “SWIFT Code” and “Financial Institution Code.”
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International Banks: Blogs and Services Compiled by Third Parties
When searching for the SWIFT code of international banks, “The SWIFT Codes.com,” provided by Wise, is recommended. By following these three simple steps, users can specify the “Destination Country” and “Receiving Bank,” making it easy to find the SWIFT code.
Find SWIFT Codes!
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Step 1: Select a Country from “Search SWIFT Code by Country”
First, choose the destination country from the “Search SWIFT Code by Country” option displayed in the middle of the screen.

Step 2: Find the Code from “SWIFT Codes of Major Banks in the United States”
If the recipient bank is listed under “SWIFT Codes of Major Banks in the United States,” which is displayed in the middle of the screen, click on it.

Step 3: Confirm the SWIFT Code
Clicking on the bank’s name will display the bank information and SWIFT code. If there are multiple search results, verify the appropriate SWIFT code by checking the branch name and address.

(Bonus) Search for All SWIFT Codes in the United States
Scroll down to find the “Search All SWIFT Codes in the United States” section, where you can directly search for the bank’s code. If the bank does not appear in the “Major Banks” list in Step 2, try searching directly from here.

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